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引用本文:徐兰,刘建银. 网游社区里的人际冲突:一项针对青少年网游玩家的访谈研究[J]. 重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2015, 27(1): 65-70. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8268.2015.01.012
作者姓名:徐兰  刘建银
摘    要:与现实社区不同,虚拟人际互动场域———网游社区中的人际冲突具有新特点。运用人际冲突的相关理论,结合个案访谈发现:网游社区的人际冲突主要表现为辱骂、“发病毒”、“打下线”等形式,主要发生在个体与个体玩家、个体与群体玩家、群体与群体玩家之间;原因在于玩家虚拟角色间的利益、权力、地位的争夺,游戏过程中双方意见不一致,游戏过程中玩家不遵守游戏规则等方面。未来可以从政府、网游商、学校、网游社区成员等方面采取措施控制玩家间的破坏性人际冲突。

关 键 词:网游社区  青少年  玩家  人际冲突

Interpersonal Conflicts in Online Game Communities:An Interview Research on Adolescent Players
XU Lan and LIU Jianyin. Interpersonal Conflicts in Online Game Communities:An Interview Research on Adolescent Players[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Social Science Edition, 2015, 27(1): 65-70. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8268.2015.01.012
Authors:XU Lan and LIU Jianyin
Affiliation:Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China and Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China
Abstract:Unlike the real community,the virtual interpersonal interaction field,especially the online games community of interpersonal conflict has new characteristics.By combining the relative theory of Interpersonal conflict with some cases, the paper finds the following things.Firstly,the main performances of interpersonal conflict in the online games commu-nity are abuse,“send virus”“playing offline”and other forms.Secondly,the models of interpersonal conflicts are among individual game players,between individual and group game players,among group game players;thirdly,reasons of the conflicts in online games community are the competition for interests,power,status between virtual game players,disa-greements among both sides,inobservance of the rules of the game.In order to control the damage of interpersonal con-flict between the game players,there are measures which can be taken by the government,online games providers, schools,and community members of the online games.
Keywords:online games community  adolescent  players  interpersonal conflict
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