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The new unified representation of multivariate skewed distributions
Authors:Asieh Abtahi
Affiliation:Department of Statistics , College of Science, Shiraz University , 71454 , Shiraz , Iran
Abstract:There are so many proposals in construction skewed distributions, and it is worth finding an overall class which covers all of these proposals. We introduce a new unified representation of multivariate skewed distributions. We will show that this new unified multivariate form of skewed distributions includes all of the continuous multivariate skewed distributions in the literature. This new unified representation is based on the multivariate probability integral transformation and can be decomposed into one factor that is original multivariate symmetric probability density function (pdf) f on ? k and skewed factor defined by a pdf p on [0, 1] k . This decomposition leads us to prove some useful properties of this new unified form. Stochastic representations and basic properties of this new form are also investigated in this article. Our work is motivated by considering the different skewing mechanisms which lead to different skewed distributions and show that all of these common-used distributions can be viewed as a new unified form.
Keywords:multivariate inverse probability integral transformation (Rosenblatt transformation)  modality  multivariate skew-symmetric distribution  selection mechanism
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