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Modified minimax estimation of regression coefficients
Authors:Josef Kozák
Affiliation:Vysoká ?kola ekonomická , Praha
Abstract:Working with the linear regression model (1.1) and having the extraneous information (1.2) about regression coefficients the problem exists how to build estimators (1.3) with the risk (1.4) which enable to utilize the known information in order to reduce their risk as compared with the risk (1.6) of the LSE (1.5). Solution of this problem is known for the positive definite matrix T, namely in form for estimators (1.8) and (1.10).First, it is shown that the proposed estimators (2.6),(2.9) and (2.16) based on psedoinversions of the matrix L represent the solution of the problem of the positive semidefinite matrix T=L'L.Further, the problem of interpretability of estimators in the sense of the inequality (3.1) exists; it is shown that all mentioned estimators are at least partially interpretable in the sense of requirements (3.2) or (3.10).
Keywords:Primary 62J05  Secondary 90A20  Minimax estimation  modified minimax estimation  partially interpretable estimators
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