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A note on Stein-type shrinkage estimator in partial linear models
Authors:M. Arashi  H. A. Niroumand
Affiliation:1. Faculty of Mathematics , Shahrood University of Technology , PO Box 316-3619995161, Shahrood , Iran;2. Department of Statistics, School of Mathematical Sciences , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , PO Box 91775-1159, Mashhad , Iran
In this paper, an exact sufficient condition for the dominance of the Stein-type shrinkage estimator over the usual unbiased estimator in a partial linear model is exhibited. Comparison result is then done under the balanced loss function. It is assumed that the vector of disturbances is typically distributed according to the law belonging to the sub-class of elliptically contoured models. It is also shown that the dominance condition is robust. Furthermore, a nonparametric estimation after estimation of the linear part is added for detecting the efficiency of the obtained results.
Keywords:balanced loss function  differencing  elliptically contoured distribution  partial linear model  Stein-type shrinkage estimator
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