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引用本文:冯兰刚,张敏,周雪. 环境库兹涅茨理论发展与思考[J]. 电子科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 13(3): 62-65
作者姓名:冯兰刚  张敏  周雪
作者单位:1. 天津大学 天津300072
2. 中国地质调查局 北京 100037
3. 石家庄经济学院 石家庄 050031
摘    要:经济发展与环境保护是人类发展的两大主题,EKC理论是研究二者关系的有效工具。但是众多研究文献的结论不具有一致性且存在很多缺陷,通过对相关文献的梳理,重新界定了EKC理论的假设,对数据、指标体系、计量方法存在的不足进行了评论,基于数学推理重新解释了EKC的运行机理。研究结论是:不存在适合所有地区、所有污染物的EKC曲线;经济-环境曲线是"黑箱"式的研究方法,其背后的运行机制才是研究的重点;环保政策要积极主动,不能坐等拐点的出现。

关 键 词:EKC  经济增长  环境污染  拐点

Thought of Development of Environmental Kuznets Curve
FENG Lan-gang,ZHANG Min,ZHOU Xue. Thought of Development of Environmental Kuznets Curve[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition), 2011, 13(3): 62-65
Authors:FENG Lan-gang  ZHANG Min  ZHOU Xue
Affiliation:FENG Lan-gang(Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China) ZHANG Min(China Geological survey Beijing 100037 China) ZHOU Xue(Shinjiazhuang University of Economics Shijiazhuang 050031 China)
Abstract:Economic development and environmental protection are our two major problems,and EKC is an effective tool to research the relationship between economy and environment.However,the results of EKC papers are not consistent with each other and there are lots of defects in these papers.After reading large sums of related papers,the EKC assumes are redefinded,the data,index systems and econometrics methods are discussed from new view,and the EKC mechanism are also explained using mathematics method.The conclusions are: there is not a common EKC fitted to all countries;the mechanism of EKC should be our key research fields;and the environmental polices of our government should be more positive.
Keywords:environmental Kuznets curve  economic growth  environmental pollution  turning point
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