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引用本文:汪彩君,唐根年. 长三角地区制造业空间集聚、生产要素拥挤与集聚适度识别研究[J]. 统计研究, 2011, 28(2): 59-64
作者姓名:汪彩君  唐根年
摘    要: 我国制造业呈现空间集聚特征已是不争的事实,但是并非所有的集聚都会带来正效应,长三角地区一些产业集聚已出现生产要素拥挤现象,产业效率下降明显。本文采用区位商及其产值所占比例等指标选取长三角地区典型的六大高集聚度的制造产业,通过产业规模指数与利润的相关分析,得出并非所有制造行业生产效率与产业聚集度成正相关关系,依据制造业集聚效率特征把集聚类型定量划分为聚集过度、聚集适度与聚集推进三类,并建立区域制造业空间聚集适度分析与预警模型,为合理指导区域产业聚集、产业转移提供决策依据。

关 键 词:产业聚集  生产要素拥挤  集聚适度  预警  

Spatial Agglomeration, Congestion of Production Factors and the Forewarning for the Manufacturing Industry Agglomeration Suitability in Yangtze River Delta
Wang Caijun,Tang Gennian. Spatial Agglomeration, Congestion of Production Factors and the Forewarning for the Manufacturing Industry Agglomeration Suitability in Yangtze River Delta[J]. Statistical Research, 2011, 28(2): 59-64
Authors:Wang Caijun  Tang Gennian
Affiliation:Wang Caijun & Tang Gennian
Abstract:The congestion of production factors refer to the jam-up of production and the decrease of output during one or more production factors is increased to some extent of overabundance relatively.Six manufacturing industries with high level agglomeration are selected by means of Location Entropy and share of output value.Some labor-intensive industries' agglomeration becomes excessive by analysis on the relationship between profit and scale target.All manufacturing industries were divided into excessive agglome...
Keywords:Industrial Agglomeration  Congestion of the Production Factors  Agglomeration Suitability  Forewarning  
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