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引用本文:刘丽华,晁岳佩. 论杜预《春秋》学在《春秋》学史上的地位[J]. 山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2006, 51(2): 113-116
作者姓名:刘丽华  晁岳佩
摘    要:汉代今古文之争的焦点是《左氏春秋》是否传《春秋》,这个问题始终没有解决。杜预《春秋经传集解》通过确定“正例”、“变例”以及《春秋》学传授系统,并著成《春秋释例》,构建了相对完整的左氏《春秋》学体系,使《左氏春秋》从一部史书变成解经的《春秋左氏传》,标志着古文经学取得了最后的胜利。同时,杜预构建的左氏《春秋》学体系,对后世《春秋》学研究产生了极为重要的影响,成为《春秋》学史上的一座里程碑。

关 键 词:今古文之争  <春秋>学  <春秋经传集解>五十凡  变例  影响

On the Status of Du Yu's The Spring And Autumn Annals Studies (Chun Qiu Xue) in the history of This Field
Liu lihua,Chao Yuepei. On the Status of Du Yu's The Spring And Autumn Annals Studies (Chun Qiu Xue) in the history of This Field[J]. Journal of Shandong Teachers' University(Social Science Edition), 2006, 51(2): 113-116
Authors:Liu lihua  Chao Yuepei
Abstract:The Han-Dynasty disputes on whether or not Zuo's Spring And Autumn Annals(Zuo Shi Chun Qiu) explained The Spring And Autumn Annals have not yet been solved up until to the present.In his Collected Annotations of Classics and Elucidations on The Spring and Autumn Annals(Chun Qiu Jingzhuan Shiyi),Du Yu has constructed a relatively complete system for The Spring And Autumn Annals Studies with the notions of the "original"("Zhengli") and the "variation"("Bianli"),and has finished his monograph entitled Exemplary Interpretations on The Spring and Autumn Annals(Chun Qiu Shili),thus turning Zuo's Spring And Autumn Annals into a book interpreting Chinese classics from a history record,and symbolizing the final victory of Chinese Classical Studies in Ancient Chinese(Gu Wen Jing Xue).More,this system constructed by him has exerted important influences on the late Spring And Autumn Annals Studies as a monument in its history.
Keywords:The Han-Dynasty disputes on whether or not Zuo's Spring And Autumn Annals(Zuo Shi Chun Qiu),Collected Annotations of Classics and Elucidations on The Spring and Autumn Annals(Chun Qiu Jingzhuan Shiyi),Wushi Fan,the "  variation"  ("  Bianli"  ),influnce,
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