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引用本文:何抒,李前伦. 论票据法上的利益返回请求权[J]. 武汉大学学报:哲学社会科学版, 2005, 58(3): 411-415
作者姓名:何抒  李前伦
摘    要:设立利益返还请求权制度的目的在于谋求当事人之间的利益平衡,因而世界各国票据立法对此多作肯定。利益返还请求权的性质是票据法上的特殊请求权。我国《票据法》第18条将利益返还请求权的返还范围限定为“与未支付的票据金额相当的利益”,有悖于立法宗旨,随着社会经济的继续发展,为解决实践中产生的问题,应修改此条规定。

关 键 词:利益返还请求权  性质  成立要件  修改意见

On the Claim for Reinstitution Interest in Commercial Instrument Law
HE Shu,LI Qian-lun. On the Claim for Reinstitution Interest in Commercial Instrument Law[J]. Wuhan University Journal (Social Sciences), 2005, 58(3): 411-415
Authors:HE Shu  LI Qian-lun
Abstract:The system of the claim for reinstitution interest has been established to balance the interest among the clients concerned in most countries. This paper firstly analyzes the nature, the clients concerned and the constituting conditions of the claim. Then it concentrates at revealing the problems existing in china commercial instrument law and puts forwards some constructive suggestions. At last, the authors makes a discussion on the practice of the claim.
Keywords:claim for reinstitution interest in commercial instrument  nature  constitutng elements  suggestions on amendment
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