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引用本文:谢晖. 法理学:从宏大叙事到微观论证[J]. 文史哲, 2003, 0(4): 92-93
摘    要:我国法理学直接来源于苏联的法理学 ,间接秉承着欧陆法理学传统。该传统在以往的特点是特别关注法律的“宏大”问题。 2 0世纪以来 ,欧陆法理学明显出现的对司法中微观问题的系统论述 ,并未在我们这里得到回应。只是近些年来 ,随着中国司法改革任务的提出以及司法在法治乃至整个社会、政治生活中地位的日显 ,我们才开始关注司法并同时关注欧陆和英美关于司法的理论。尽管如此 ,我们对于司法中法理学问题的探讨还只是初步的 ,还没有引起法理学界的共同关注。这就需要我们不失时机地将法理学研究的主要任务放到以司法为核心的法律之“微观论证”上来。本组笔谈的目的即在于此。

关 键 词:法理学  法律解释学  模式转型

Comology:From grand narration to micrentation
Abstract:Leaderette:The nomology of China came from that of the Soviet Union directly and received the tradition of that in the continental Europe indirectly The forepassed feature of this tradition lies in its special concern with the"grand"issues of the law There has been an evident concern on micro legal issues in the nomology of the continental Europe since the 20th century However,we made no responses to this change It is only in recent years that we began to pay attention to judicature and the theories about judicature in the continental Europe,Britain and America Therefore,we have to take the"micro argumentation"of law centered on judicature as the main task of the study of judicature This is the aim that we publish the group of articles here
Keywords:Judicature  Hermeneutic of law  Transformation of patterns
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