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引用本文:王坚,雷戈. 论夏峰北学(续完)[J]. 辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2009, 37(4): 96-99
作者姓名:王坚  雷戈
作者单位:1. 新乡医学院,河南,新乡,453100
2. 河北大学,人文学院,河北,保定,071002
摘    要:明清之际,作为北方儒生共同体领军人物的孙奇逢,以其回归、重释孔孟经典来整合理学各派的内圣思想,以及“舍三纲五常无道术”基础上的“礼理合一”的外王思想。其两者的完美结合,一方面为清学的展开提供了新平台,另一方面也使得在清代北方形成的以孙奇逢为宗师、以会合儒学各派为特征的夏峰北学成为可能且风靡北方。在三百多年的流变中,既有以王余佑为代表的侠儒兼收的河北夏峰北学,也有以“中州十先生”①为代表热衷于理学的中州夏峰北学;既有如汤斌这样的理学名臣,也有不名一文的下层儒生;既有崇尚心学的张沐、赵御众,也有程朱派的耿介;既有走向考据学的费密,更有走向西学的薛风祚。而到近代,在西方知识体系的冲击下,在以王锡彤、李敏修、嵇文甫为代表的夏峰北学后学的努力下,其创造性地嬗变为现代地域学术之一部分。

关 键 词:孙奇逢  内圣外王  夏峰北学  明清之际的儒学大变革  地域学派

On the Xiafeng Studies in Ming and Qing Dynasties(Continued)
WANG Jian,LEI Ge. On the Xiafeng Studies in Ming and Qing Dynasties(Continued)[J]. Jounal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2009, 37(4): 96-99
Authors:WANG Jian  LEI Ge
Affiliation:1.Xinxiang Medical Institute;Xinxiang 453100;China;2.Department of History;Hebei University;Baoding 071002;China
Abstract:In Ming and Qing dynasties,Sun Qifeng,the foremost leader of Northern Confucian scholars,made a perfect combination of harmonious and compatible thought,paving the way for the prosperity of Qing studies and Xiafeng studies in the North as well.In the history of over 300 years,Xiafeng studies had formed various schools such as the Hebei school represented by Wang Yuyou and the Zhongzhou school by "the ten masters of Zhongzhou",etc.Scholars of different levels dedicated to Xiafeng studies ranging from the gra...
Keywords:Sun Qifeng  harmonious and compatible thought  Xiafeng Studies  regional schools  
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