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引用本文:秦绪娜. 宪政视域下的服务型政府建构[J]. 齐鲁学刊, 2009, 0(6)
摘    要:随着改革的不断推进与深化,与全球"政府重塑"、"政府再造"的声浪相呼应,服务型政府日益成为我国政府模式的新选择。而在国际竞争日趋激烈、公民社会日益多元的当下,路径的探究与选择则是服务型政府建设的关键所在。从宪政视角来看,服务型政府的建构需要从以下三个方面入手:一是积极树立公民本位的施政理念,增强服务意识;二是合理定位公共服务的职能取向,提升服务水平;三是健全完善政府行为的制约机制,强化服务保障。

关 键 词:宪政  服务型政府  建构

The Construction of Service Government Under Constitutional Government Sight
Qin Xu-na. The Construction of Service Government Under Constitutional Government Sight[J]. Qilu Journal, 2009, 0(6)
Authors:Qin Xu-na
Abstract:Along with advancing and deepening of the reform,to echo the voice of "the government remolding" and "the government restoration" in the whole world,the service government becomes the new choice of our country government pattern day by day.At present,the international competition is intense and the civil society is multi-dimensional.The inquisition and choice of the way is the key to construct the service government.Examines carefully from the view of the constitutional government angle,the service government's construction needs to obtain the following three aspects: first,setting up the administration idea of the citizen standard positively and enhancing service consciousness;second,localizing reasonably the function orientation of collective services and promoting service level;third,consummating the restriction mechanism of the act of government perfectly and strengthening service safeguard.
Keywords:constitutional government  service government  construction
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