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引用本文:杨文会. 21世纪环境艺术教育的观念与方法[J]. 河北学刊, 2006, 26(4): 152-156
摘    要:伴随着社会的进步与生活水平的提高,人类越来越注重精神方面的需求,环境艺术概念的提出,则是人类文明与社会进步的必然结果。在我国,环境艺术教育尚属新兴学科,环境艺术大致包括城市规划、建筑、园林绿化、公共空间、城市雕塑、壁画等环境艺术品以及室内空间、公益性设施等。它是人类生存环境中从宏观到微观的整合体,不仅协调着人们的生活方式,同时也引导和设计着社会和人类的行为。今天,人类希望在绿色环境中生活,向往城市环境和自然环境的高度和谐。为此,应当加强环境艺术理论的探讨和设计水准的提高,使环境艺术与高科技相结合,与人类文化相结合,在总结中国传统的设计经验的基础上,吸收国外有益的设计意识和技巧,走出一条符合中国国情的环境艺术教育发展的道路。

关 键 词:环境艺术  教育观念  审美取向  生态环境

The Idea and Approach of Environmental Art in the 21st Century
YANG Wen-hui. The Idea and Approach of Environmental Art in the 21st Century[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2006, 26(4): 152-156
Authors:YANG Wen-hui
Abstract:With advanced society and higher people's living standard,people are aware of the spiritual needs.In China environmental art is a new type of science including urban planning,architecture,gar- dens,virescence,public space,urban sculpture,fresco and other environmental artifacts,which not on- ly adjust people's way of life but also lead and design society and human conduct.Now people long to live in green and natural environment,so we should strengthen the exploration of environmental art theory and absorb better foreign design,thus creating a road to comply with China's situation.
Keywords:environmental art  educational idea  aesthetic tendency  ecological environment
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