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引用本文:侯杰. 报纸媒体与女性都市文化的呈现——对《大公报》副刊《家庭与妇女》的解读[J]. 南开学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007, 0(2): 41-48
作者单位:南开大学历史学院 天津300071
摘    要:《大公报》的《妇女与家庭》副刊,在20世纪20、30年代的天津存在了5年,向人们展示了天津都市文化的某些面向,表现出“编者-作者-读者”之间的互动,以及编者和作者利用这一虚拟空间,塑造女性主体性形象,影响读者乃至更多都市人生活的特性。女性都市文化的出现是城市社会、政治、经济和文化共同作用的结果,非常复杂,既有现代对传统的改变,也有传统与现代的抗争。天津女性都市文化所表现出来的两种张力则呈现出明显的特点。一方面都市化程度较高,市民们的观念和行为更具开放性,容易接纳新事物;另一方面现象和符号背后的社会性别制度却仍然具有矛盾、商媾的实质。《妇女家庭》很好地呈现了20世纪20、30年代天津的女性都市文化。该副刊还成为了一种重要的文化传播途径,积极地加入到性别关系的构建中,在批判传统两性关系的同时,倡导建立新的性别关系和文化。这一切,不仅程度不同地反映了女性都市文化在不断发展变化的历程,而且也或多或少地表明男性的性别观念在影响女性以及受女性影响的多种情况下的实际状况。

关 键 词:报纸媒体  女性都市文化  女性主体性

A Interpretation on the Supplement Titled Family and Women in Takungpao for the City Culture of Tianjin Female
Hou Jie. A Interpretation on the Supplement Titled Family and Women in Takungpao for the City Culture of Tianjin Female[J]. Nankai Journal, 2007, 0(2): 41-48
Authors:Hou Jie
Abstract:The Supplement titled Family and Women on the newspaper Takungpao reported the city culture of Tianjin female in 1920s and 1930s during the 5 years when it was run in Tianjin. There were two factors of the city culture of Tianin female: On one hand, it was easier for Tianjin women to learn new things since they were more open - minded in the big city; on the other hand, the old gender system still existed which made contradictions with the new ideas. The supplement was also a very important media for culture dissemination that it criticized the old gender relationships, and advocated the new gender relationships and culture, which reflected the development process of the city culture of Tianjin female and mutual influence of the male and the female.
Keywords:The Newspaper Media  The City Culture of Female  The Female Subject  
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