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引用本文:黄修己. 对"战争文学"的反思[J]. 河北学刊, 2005, 25(5): 170-172
摘    要:杨义从东亚学的角度阐发了战争的历史记忆,认为我们今天所要讨论的历史记忆,就是从文学与战争的关系中,正视和剖析那场沉重的东亚地图的撕裂和反撕裂的战争,及其至今尚未得到平复的严重的后遗症,从中寻求人类的正义感、责任感民族以及民族和国家之间正常、健康、和好、互惠发展的历史可能性。严家炎探讨了抗战时期启蒙与救亡的关系,认为在抗日战争这个"救亡"的高潮时期,文学中的"启蒙"仍与"抗日"结伴而行,并没有停止。"启蒙"任务后来被取消,真正的原因在革命队伍内部,是封建思想侵袭革命队伍的结果。王富仁一方面分析了战争记忆与战争文学之间的区别,认为战争文学应当是作家从战争记忆中做出的一种人性的反思;另一方面分析了中外战争文学的差异,认为理想的战争文学应当充盈可贵的人类意识和人性意识。黄修己对战争文学做了深刻的反思,认为我们在政治层面上歌颂正义战争的同时,还应该从人性层面上批判战争。战争文学最主要的不是战争中的宣传鼓动作用,而是通过影响人的感情来提升人性。吴福辉提出了"大抗战文学"的概念,并深入分析了五种类型的"战争体验"小说,认为这些作品将战时特殊的体验延伸到对民族性的自省,凝结为战争文学的最好的结晶。刘增杰深入论述了抗战反思文学思潮,认为在这种反思文学中,一类偏重于对现实政治层面弊端进行揭露与鞭挞;另一类则站在人类的立场,从精神层面对民族惰性进行剖析。指出:反思文学是抗战文学结出的最成熟的果实,抗战反思文学中保留着永具活力民族记忆。秦弓将眼光投向了已经淡出人们历史记忆的反映抗日战争正面战场的文学创作和文学研究,认为表现正面战场的文学创作取得了丰硕的成果,留下了关于抗战的珍贵的民族记忆。应该珍惜这笔宝贵的文学财富,全面启动抗战文学与正面战场的研究,借以填补现代文学史不应有的空白。

关 键 词:抗日战争的历史记忆  启蒙与救亡  文学与战争的关系  抗战反思文学思潮  正面战场  人类意识  人性意识

History of Anti -Japanese War and Literature (special topic for discussion)
YANG Yi,YAN Jia-yan,WANG Fu -ren,HUANG Xiu - ji,WU Fu-hui,LIU Zeng-jie,QIN Gong. History of Anti -Japanese War and Literature (special topic for discussion)[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2005, 25(5): 170-172
Authors:YANG Yi  YAN Jia-yan  WANG Fu -ren  HUANG Xiu - ji  WU Fu-hui  LIU Zeng-jie  QIN Gong
Abstract:In the perspective of Eastern Asia, Yang Yi expounds the history of anti - Japanese war and points out that human justice, national responsibility, normal, sound, friendly and mutual benefit between countries may be possible. Yan Jia - yan discusses the relationship between enlightenment and saving China during the anti - Japanese war and thinks that enlightenment and fighting against Japanese aggressors are closely connected. Wang Fu - ren analyses the discrimination between this war and its literature in one hand, and thinks that perfect war literature should be full of consciousness of mankind and humanism in the other hand. Huang Xiu - ji gives a profound retrospection on war literature and thinks right war is praised in the aspect of politics and should be criticized in the aspect of humanism. Wu Fu -hui puts forward the concept "whole anti - Japanese war literature" and analyses five types of "war - experienced" novels. Liu Zeng - jie points out that self - examination literature of anti - Japanese war is the most mature fruits full of vivid memory of nationalities. Qin Gong focuses on studies of the literature of frontline battlefields and thinks that literary works in this aspect leave us rich fruits.
Keywords:historical memory of and - Japanese war  enlightenment and saving China  relationship between literature and war  self - examination literature of and - Japanese war  frontline battlefields  consciousness of mankind  consciousness of humanism  
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