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引用本文:李为香. 关于明代廷杖的仪式解读[J]. 求是学刊, 2012, 39(3): 137-142
摘    要:廷杖是明代帝王对士人的公开处罚,作为帝王报复“犯上”朝臣的残忍攻击和污辱,其目的在于让民众意识到皇权的至高无上、不可侵犯,也是对其他官员和社会民众的恫吓,以儆效尤.若以仪式视角来审视,这种处罚形式承载着维护皇权的政治功能,是朝廷权力走向的一种“控制仪式”;就整个仪式原由和过程来看,廷杖是“重建”受到挑战的皇权的仪式;从仪式的终极性意义来看,廷杖处罚是受杖士人实现其人生终极意义的道德场域.廷杖伴随明朝始终,其最终消逝则反映了明代政治变迁与传统士人处世心态的微妙变化.

关 键 词:明代  仪式  廷杖  皇权

An Analysis of Ting Zhang With Ritual Viewpoint
LI Wei-xiang. An Analysis of Ting Zhang With Ritual Viewpoint[J]. Seeking Truth, 2012, 39(3): 137-142
Authors:LI Wei-xiang
Affiliation:LI Wei-xiang(College of History and Cultural Industry,University of Jinan,Jinan,Shandong 250022,China)
Abstract:Ting Zhang is public punishment of the Emperor to scholars in Ming Dynasty.In the viewpoint of ritual,Ting Zhang is a kind of power-control,which can maintain imperial power.The reason and process of Ting Zhang rebuilds the imperial power which has been seriously destroyed.To the scholars who are punished,Ting Zhang provides a moral space for realizing their highest meaning of life.The eventually disappearance of Ting Zhang reflects political changes of Ming dynasty and the variation of mind of traditional scholars.
Keywords:Ming Dynasty  ritual  Ting Zhang  imperial power
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