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引用本文:张聿忠. 论哲学社会科学理论创新[J]. 山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2003, 26(5): 1-7
摘    要:不断进行"理论创新",是发展和繁荣哲学社会科学的灵魂、不竭动力和关键所在。"创新",是科研工作者的崇高使命和永远的追求与天职。哲学社会科学事业必须把"理论创新"写在自己的旗帜上!文章论述了哲学社会科学对推动社会进步的巨大作用,哲学社会科学理论创新的本质特征和基本要素;阐述了我国哲学社会科学理论创新的现状、存在的问题与亟待改革的举措。文章还对新中国成立以来哲学社会科学的理论创新进行了回顾,并对其经验教训进行了剖析。

关 键 词:哲学社会科学  科学思维  社会实践  理论创新

On the Theoretical Innovation of Philosophy & Social Sciences
ZHANG Yu-zhong. On the Theoretical Innovation of Philosophy & Social Sciences[J]. Journal of Shanxi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2003, 26(5): 1-7
Authors:ZHANG Yu-zhong
Abstract:The theoretical innovation, the soul of philosophy & social sciences, runs as an inexhaustible engine and hinge whereon philosophy and social sciences develop and prosper. Theoretical innovation, in its own right, beckons social scientists on to ever achieve and pursue something more sublime. In this sense, the cause of philosophy & social sciences must be distinctly marked with "theoretical innovation". This paper deals with the great role of philosophy & social sciences in promoting social progress; inherent features and basic elements of theoretical innovation; and the status quo, problems and imminent reforms with the theoretical innovation in China. It also reviews the development of the theoretical innovation of philosophy & social sciences since the founding of New China, and analyzes the experience and lessons thereof.
Keywords:philosophy & social sciences  scientific thinking  social practice  theoretical innovation  
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