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引用本文:李世涛. 钱中文的“审美反映论”论析[J]. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2010, 26(2): 6-11
作者单位:中国艺术研究院, 北京 100029
摘    要:建国以来,中国文论界就“反映论”展开过广泛而热烈的讨论。从当代文论史看,“反映论”曾被盲目崇拜,在新时期又被一些人视为文艺发展的障碍。但是,不少研究者在汲取历史经验教训的基础上进行了科学的探索,重新赋予了它新的阐释力和有效性。其中,钱中文对“反映论”的阐释很有代表性。他反对简单地、庸俗地、情绪化地对待“反映论”,梳理了“反映论”的含义,在尊重“反映论”哲学基础的前提下,强调了审美因素之于文艺反映的重要作用,提出了“审美反映”的概念。“审美反映”科学地说明了文艺反映的过程、作用,探索了文艺反映的意义和潜力,其“审美反映”赋予了“反映论”以新的内涵。具体来说,文艺反映是审美反映,它有独特的心理结构、动力源、心理定势,因审美介入了现实、改变了现实,并最终体现在文艺作品中。“审美反映论”不但挽救了“反映论”,而且提高了文艺“反映论”阐释文艺现象的能力,还有助于促进文艺批评和文艺创作的健康发展。 

关 键 词:认识论   反映   审美反映   心理结构   动力源   心理定势

On Qian Zhongwen's Theory of Aesthetic Reflection
LI Shi-tao. On Qian Zhongwen's Theory of Aesthetic Reflection[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition), 2010, 26(2): 6-11
Authors:LI Shi-tao
Affiliation:China Art Acadenly, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:There has been a heated discussion about the theory of reflection in the literary research field since the establishment of China.Many researchers made scientific explorations through drawing lessons from history and attached new explanatory power to it.Among them,Qian Zhongwen's explanation to the theory of reflection was the most representative.He Objected to treating the theory of reflection easily,vulgarly and emotionally.On the premise of respecting the philosophic basis of reflection,he stressed the important role played by aesthetics in literary reflection,and then put forward the concept of "aesthetic reflection'."Aesthetic reflection" scientifically explained the process and function of literary reflection,explored its significance and potential.His aesthetic reflection gave a newconnotation to the theory of reflection.
Keywords:epistemology  reflection  aesthetic reflection  psychic structure  power source  mind-set
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