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引用本文:周文玖. 梁启超对中国史学史学科的开拓性贡献[J]. 求是学刊, 2002, 29(4): 103-109
作者单位:北京师范大学史学研究所,北京 100875
摘    要:作为一门学科 ,中国史学史是在 2 0世纪 2 0年代产生的。梁启超首次勾勒出中国史学史的轮廓 ,最早明确提出中国史学史学科的建设问题 ,并对中国史学史的基本理论作了初步论述 ,是这门学科的主要奠基人之一。文中剖析了中国史学史产生的社会背景和梁启超之所以能够最早明确提出中国史学史学科建设的个人因素

关 键 词:梁启超  中国史学史学科  贡献

On Liang Qichao'' s Pioneering Contribution to the History of Chinese Historiography
ZHOU Wen-jiu. On Liang Qichao'' s Pioneering Contribution to the History of Chinese Historiography[J]. Seeking Truth, 2002, 29(4): 103-109
Authors:ZHOU Wen-jiu
Abstract:As a modern subject, history of Chinese historiography was founded in 1920's. Liang Qichao,who initially related the outline of the developing course of Chinese historiography, first discussed how to build the subject and talked about general principles on it, was one of the most important founders. The social circumstances and Liang Qichao's personal factors that led to his earlier proposition of the subject are also discussed.
Keywords:Liang Qichao  history of Chinese historiography  contribution  
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