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Partner Preferences of the Intellectually Gifted
Authors:Pieternel Dijkstra  Dick P. H. Barelds  Hinke A. K. Groothof  Sieuwke Ronner  Arnolda P. Nauta
Affiliation:1. Department of Psychology , University of Groningen , Groningen , The Netherlands p.dijkstra@nti.nl pieterneldijkstra@ziggo.nl;3. Department of Psychology , University of Groningen , Groningen , The Netherlands;4. Department of Psychology , Open University of the Netherlands , Heerlen , The Netherlands;5. Meríones Advies , Gouda , The Netherlands;6. Gifted and Talented Adults Foundation (IHBV), Ede , The Netherlands
To date, hardly anything is known about the partner preferences of the intellectually gifted. The present study therefore examined the extent to which 354 gifted individuals judged 17 characteristics to be important in a (potential) partner and compared these ratings with those obtained from a community sample (n = 554). Among other things, it was expected that, among the gifted, a (potential) partner's high intelligence would be judged to be more important than among participants from the general community. It was also expected that single gifted individuals would judge a potential partner's high intelligence to be more important than gifted individuals involved in intimate relationships. Most of our predictions were supported, and results are discussed.
Keywords:gender  giftedness  partner preferences  relationship status
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