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引用本文:刘建军,杨丽茹. 论文学符号的本质与功能性结构关系[J]. 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001, 0(5): 97-106
作者姓名:刘建军  杨丽茹
作者单位:1. 东北师范大学文学院
2. 东北师范大学国际与比较教育研究所
摘    要:符号的本质是在特定结构关系中承担着某种功能并产生着一定意义的媒介物。其最核心的概念是“系统”、“功能”和“意义”。文学符号与语言符号一样 ,也是“能指”和“所指”的统一。在文学符号的内部 ,又包含着各种代码 ,其中最重要的文学代码有“性格代码”、“背景代码”和“情感代码”三种。这就决定着文学符号又是一个具有着强烈的自主功能性、清晰的层次性和内在的编码性的有机运作过程。

关 键 词:文学符号  文学代码  功能性关系

A Study of Literature Signs' Connotation And Functional Relations
LIU Jian_jun , YANG Li_ru. A Study of Literature Signs' Connotation And Functional Relations[J]. Journal of Northeast Normal University(Social Science), 2001, 0(5): 97-106
Authors:LIU Jian_jun & YANG Li_ru
Affiliation:LIU Jian_jun 1 & YANG Li_ru 2
Abstract:Targeted at the theoretical origin of modern western semeiology, the article has identified the development process of modern western semeiology in literature, and the author develops her own understanding on the essential connotation of signs and literature signs as well. It is acknowbedged that there are three basic conceptions in sevneiology, namely, "system", "function" and "meaning". By comparing the differences between language signs and literature signs, the article concentrates on analyzing the connotation and nature of literature signs. Based on the above analysis, the author attempts to regard the literature signs (F)as the products of the signifier(A) and the signified (X), in a formula: F=A+X. A is an invariable, and X is a variable. Hence the literature signs are classified into three groups: character signs (R), background signs (B) and emotion signs (Q). The author makes analysis on the inner characteristics and the components of each group and further explains the inner relations of the three groups. Then the author addresses the characteristics of literature signs, including function, arrangement, and code.
Keywords:literature signs  literature code  constructrue of connotation  functional relations  
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