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引用本文:周平远. 20世纪30年代初胡秋原的庸俗社会学批判[J]. 南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2002, 33(1): 105-110
作者单位:南昌大学 文学院,江西 南昌 330047
基金项目:国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目“文艺社会学史纲” (批准文号;98BZW002)成果之一。
摘    要:庸俗社会学的木质,在于无视艺术规律,取消中间环节,把文艺这一精神现象与人类社会的基础性结构直接关联,从而对文艺的性质、功能作出简单性规定和强制性要求。胡秋原是中国文论界从学理的层面.对庸俗社会学作出深入剖析的第一人。其理论资源,来自于普列汉诺夫的“中介论”。他对弗里契《艺术社会学》“图式化”弊端之批评,亦发时人所未见。其地球“自转”与“公转”之喻,表明了他对文学“自律”与“他律”关系的洞见与把握,并给后人以启发。+

关 键 词:庸俗社会学  中介论  艺术社会学  图式化  批判

Hu Qiuyuan''''s Criticism of Vulgar Sociology in the Early 1930''''s
ZHOU Ping -- yuan. Hu Qiuyuan''''s Criticism of Vulgar Sociology in the Early 1930''''s[J]. Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2002, 33(1): 105-110
Authors:ZHOU Ping -- yuan
Abstract:The nature of Vulgar Sociology lies in the direct connection between art and the fundamental so-cial structure, ignoring literary law and drawing simple conclusions for art's nature and functions. As the firstperson among the Chinese critics to criticize Vulgar Sociology at that time, Hu Qiuy'Uan adopted Plehanov'sTheory of Intermediary and criticized Friche's Patternization by comparing Self -- Discipline and Discipline of lit-erature to Rotation and Revolution of the earth.
Keywords:vulgar sociology  theory of intermediary  sociology of art  patternization  criticism
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