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引用本文:张愿. 中国抗战初期格鲁对美国远东政策的主张评析[J]. 武汉大学学报(人文科学版), 2008, 61(1): 102-106
摘    要:1937年7月至12月,美国驻日大使格鲁力主继续保持中立静观的消极政策。这种主张并非是一味的消极退让的产物,而与格鲁对远东形势发展的预估和设想有很大关联。在他看来,只要能合理利用外交技巧,就可能同时兼顾美日关系、美国在远东的实际利益和其所坚持的原则,实现美国利益的最大化。这种机会主义的设想反映了格鲁的外交观和他对美国远东利益的认知,代表了20世纪30年代美国政府人士在远东外交问题上的一种思路。

关 键 词:格鲁  温和派  动机  远东形势设想

On Joseph C.Crew's Suggestion about U.S.Far Eastern Policy at the Beginning of Chinese-Japanese War & His Contentions
Zhang Yuan. On Joseph C.Crew's Suggestion about U.S.Far Eastern Policy at the Beginning of Chinese-Japanese War & His Contentions[J]. Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences), 2008, 61(1): 102-106
Authors:Zhang Yuan
Affiliation:Zhang Yuan (School of History, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072,
Abstract:In the initial phase of Chinese-Japanese War, Joseph C. Grew, American ambassador to Japan from 1932 to 1942, held strongly against his government taking any drastic measures toward Japan. The contentions were based on his analysis and predictions about recent and later Far Eastern situation, which, according to Grew, can be best suit for maximum American interest. This opportunistic design reflected his idea of Diplomacy and appreciation on U.S. Far Eastern interests in the tenure, and represented one school of thoughts in the practice of American Far Eastern Diplomacy in 1930s.
Keywords:Joseph C. Grew  moderatists  contentions  later Far Eastern situation
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