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引用本文:郑志强. 《诗经》兴体诗综考[J]. 浙江社会科学, 2008, 0(10)
摘    要:在诗经学史上,对于"兴"这一概念,两千多年来的主流阐释是作为一种"诗的表现手法"来看待的。但这种解释并不符合《诗经》中"兴"的文本实际。正确的解读为:"兴"在《诗经》中是一种独特的抒情诗歌体裁。这种体裁的诗歌在现存《诗经》中共有46首之多。在题材类型上,兴体诗分别抒发了喜乐愉悦之情、忧愁感伤之情和思乡怀人之情;在艺术特点上,兴体诗惯于用第一人称直抒忧乐思念之情怀,重点使用借代、借喻、象征以及反复、应和的修辞手法,并在内部章节和语言运用上呈"连珠"型结构特征,从而使它与《诗经》中另外五种体裁的诗歌形成了鲜明的区别和对照。

关 键 词:《诗经》    抒情体  题材类型  艺术特点

A Comprehensive Study of Xing-style Poems in The Book of Songs
Zheng Zhiqiang. A Comprehensive Study of Xing-style Poems in The Book of Songs[J]. Zhejiang Social Sciences, 2008, 0(10)
Authors:Zheng Zhiqiang
Abstract:In the research history of The Book of Songs,Xing is regarded as "a means of poetic expression" by the mainstream researchers in the past 2000 years.But it does not conform to what "Xing" really means in The Book of Songs.The correct explanation should be that "Xing" is a unique style of lyric poetry.There are as many as 46 poems of this style in The Book of Songs in stock.For different types of themes,Xing-style poems express respectively feelings of joy and happiness,worry and sorrow,homesickness and missing some body,etc.The artistic features of Xing-style poems are that they usually express someone's feelings directly with the first personal pronoun,and use such rhetoric means as transferred epithet,borrowed analogy,symbolization,repetition and mutual reply.Besides,they have "chained" structure in their inner sections and literal language,so that they have obvious differences from the other five styles of poetry in The Book of Songs.
Keywords:The Book of Songs  Xing  Lyric Style  Types of Theme  Artistic Feature  
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