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引用本文:张玉能. 美根植于人性深处——《审美教育书简》中的审美人类学思想[J]. 吉首大学学报(社会科学版), 2002, 23(4): 63-68
作者单位:(华中师范大学 文学院,湖北 武汉 430079)
摘    要:席勒在《审美教育书简》中明确地提出:美根植于人性深处,美是游戏冲动的对象,游戏冲动是结合感性冲动和理性冲动的冲动,它们根源于人性的抽象结果(人格、状态及其相互作用)。这些观点,不仅直截了当地综合了大陆理性主义和英国经验主义两大美学思潮,继承了康德的美学思想,而且开启了黑格尔把认识论美学、本体论美学和辩证法美学融为一体的思路,同时也最明确地表明了席勒的审美人类学的思想是与马克思主义的实践美学一脉相通的。

关 键 词:席勒在《审美教育书简》中明确地提出:美根植于人性深处  美是游戏冲动的对象  游戏冲动是结合感性冲动和理性冲动的冲动  它们根源于人性的抽象结果(人格、状态及其相互作用)。这些观点  不仅直截了当地综合了大陆理性主义和英国经验主义两大美学思潮  继承了康德的美学思想  而且开启了黑格尔把认识论美学、本体论美学和辩证法美学融为一体的思路  同时也最明确地表明了席勒的审美人类学的思想是与马克思主义的实践美学一脉相通的。

Aesthetics Is Rooted in the Depth of Hunan Nature--On the Aesthetical Anthropology thought Embodied in the "Letters of Aesthetical Education"
ZHANG Yu-Neng. Aesthetics Is Rooted in the Depth of Hunan Nature--On the Aesthetical Anthropology thought Embodied in the "Letters of Aesthetical Education"[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Social Science), 2002, 23(4): 63-68
Authors:ZHANG Yu-Neng
Affiliation:(Literary College of Huazhong Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei 430079,China)
Abstract:In his "Letters of Aestheical Education",Siller points out:Aesthetics i rooted in the depth of human nature,it is the object of game impulse which is the combination of perceptual impulse and rational impulse resulted from interraction of human character and human nature. these ideas have synthesized in a direct way the two aesthetic trends of continental rationalism and British empiricism,inherited Cante's aesthetic thought,and opened the way for Hegel to combine into one epistemolgical aesthetics,noumenon aesthetics and dialectial aesthetics.They are typical of Siller's aesthetical anthropology thought and are imbued with the same spirit of Marx's practical aesthetics.
Keywords:Siller  aeshetics  perpetual impulse  rational impulse  game impulse  
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