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The relationship between different social expenditure schemes and poverty,inequality and economic growth
Authors:Emile Cammeraat
Affiliation:Leiden University, Netherlands
Abstract:In this article, we study how social expenditure is related to poverty, income inequality and GDP growth. Our main contribution is to disentangle these relationships by the following social expenditure schemes: 1) “old age and survivors”, 2) “incapacity”, 3) “health”, 4) “family”, 5) “unemployment and active labour market policies” and 6) “housing and others”. For this purpose, we employ OLS and 2SLS regression models using a panel data set for 22 Member States of the European Union from 1990 until 2015. We find total public social expenditure to be negatively related to poverty and inequality, but not related to GDP growth. The results vary substantially between the different social expenditure schemes, which makes more accurate targeting possible.
Keywords:social expenditure  poverty  income redistribution  economic growth  universal benefit scheme  means test  target group  European Union  OECD  dépenses sociales  pauvreté  redistribution du revenu  croissance économique  régime universel de prestations  enquête sur les ressources  groupe cible  Union européenne  OCDE  gasto social  pobreza  redistribución del ingreso  crecimiento económico  régimen universal de prestaciones  verificación de recursos  grupo destinatario  Unión Europea  OCDE  Sozialausgaben  Armut  Einkommensumverteilung  Wirtschaftswachstum  universelles Leistungssystem  Bedürftigkeitsprüfung  Zielgruppe  Europäische Union  OECD
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