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引用本文:梁柱. 理想信念:工人阶级先锋队的灵魂[J]. 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001, 38(4): 15-24
摘    要:中国共产党始终以共产主义作为自己的崇高理想和奋斗目标,并依据中国的国情科学地规划了由新民主主义到社会主义,最终实现共产主义的发展方向,这一中国革命理想的新的取向,是近代中国历史惟一正确的选择,反映了人类社会发展的基本规律。中国革命和建设的每一个胜利,都是我们朝着这一远大目标前进的重大步骤,共产党人的坚定信念,是这一崇高理想内化而成的坚不可摧的精神支柱,要最终在中国实现共产主义这一坚定信念,不但会不断升华共产党人的精神境界,同时也会在斗争的惊涛骇浪中使那些投机家和懦弱者现出原形。共产主义理想是工人阶段先锋队的灵魂,是党的先进性的重要体现。如果失运这一理想信念,共产党也就失去了存在的依据。

关 键 词:理想信念  共产主义  发展阶段

Idealistic Belief:the Soul of the Vanguard of the Working Class
LIANG Zhu. Idealistic Belief:the Soul of the Vanguard of the Working Class[J]. Journal of Peking University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2001, 38(4): 15-24
Authors:LIANG Zhu
Abstract:The Communist Party of China always takes Communism as its lofty ideal and final mission.Based on the actual conditions of China,the CPC scientifically insists on her road of development from the New Democracism,though socialism,to the final realization of Communism.This choice of the ideal of Chinese revolution is the only right choice made in the history of modern China.It reveals the nature of human society.Every porgress made in Chinese revolution and construction points to the direction of this great choice.The firm belief of Chinese Communists stands as an unconquerable spiritual pillar internalized out of this lofty ideal.The belief of realizing Communism in China will not only promote the spiritual world of Communists,but also will bring to air the true nature of political opportunists and cowards in revolutionary struggle.
Keywords:Idealistic belief  Communism  Developing period
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