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Practitioners' views on elder mistreatment research priorities: recommendations from a Research-to-Practice Consensus conference
Authors:Pillemer Karl  Breckman Risa  Sweeney Charlotte D  Brownell Patricia  Fulmer Terry  Berman Jackie  Brown Earamichia  Laureano Evelyn  Lachs Mark S
Affiliation:Department of Human Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850, USA. kap6@cornell.edu
This article presents recommendations from expert practitioners and researchers regarding future directions for research on elder abuse prevention. Using the Research-to-Practice Consensus Workshop model, participants critiqued academic research on the prevention of elder mistreatment and identified practice-based suggestions for a research agenda on this topic. The practitioners' critique resulted in 10 key recommendations for future research that include the following priority areas: defining elder abuse, providing researchers with access to victims and abusers, determining the best approaches in treating abusers, exploiting existing data sets, identifying risk factors, understanding the impact of cultural factors, improving program evaluation, establishing how cognitive impairment affects legal investigations, promoting studies of financial and medical forensics, and improving professional reporting and training. It is hoped that these recommendations will help guide future research in such a way as to make it more applicable to community practice.
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