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引用本文:洪修平. 《坛经》的人间佛教思想及其理论特色[J]. 河北学刊, 2011, 31(6)
摘    要:创立于印度的佛教传入中土后,在同中国固有的传统思想文化的相互冲突与相互交融中,逐渐发展成为中国的民族宗教。中国佛教有许多不同于印度佛教的特点,入世化、人生化成为其最重要的特色之一,这在禅宗中表现得最为充分和典型。禅宗的根本经典《坛经》的人间佛教思想既继承了佛陀创教的本怀,又结合中国传统固有的思想文化,在满足中土社会大众需要的过程中,发扬光大了入世救度众生的大乘佛教精神,其所提倡的佛法在世间,不离世间觉是印度佛教的出世精神在中国社会文化中的特殊体现。《坛经》的心性本体论同时也是人性论,其透过心性论所表达的对无相、无念、无住的人的清净本性亦即人生实践主体的肯定,为人生展现了全新的生命意义。《坛经》的人间佛教思想奠基了中国禅宗人间佛教的基本特色,也为近现代以来的人间佛教运动提供了重要的理论资源和思想基础。

关 键 词:《坛经》  人间佛教  中印文化渊源  思想特色  历史影响  

The Buddhist Thoughts in the Human World from Platform Sutra and Theoretical Features
HONG Xiu-ping. The Buddhist Thoughts in the Human World from Platform Sutra and Theoretical Features[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2011, 31(6)
Authors:HONG Xiu-ping
Affiliation:HONG Xiu-ping(Research Institute of China's Philosophy and Religious Culture,Nanjing 210093,China)
Abstract:After a long time when Buddhism was introduced into China,Buddhism became gradually China's religion,different from Indian Buddhism,whose prominent features are into the world and into the life reflected in the Zen sect.And the basic class in the Zen sect is Platform Sutra,which inherits the thoughts of Indian Buddha and connected it with traditional Chinese thoughts,developing the spirit of saving all the people,a reflection of China's being into the world.The ontology of mind from Platform Sutra is also h...
Keywords:Platform Sutra  Buddhism in the human world  the cultural origin between China and India  thoughts and features  historical influences  
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