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摘    要:2005年10月8日,是中国现代杰出诗人、山东大学校友臧克家先生诞辰100周年纪念日。《文史哲》创刊半个世纪以来,得到了臧克家先生深切的关怀和鼓励,他长期担任《文史哲》编委、顾问,经常为《文史哲》审读稿件、推荐青年作者,每次回母校他总是要到《文史哲》坐坐,在《文史哲》庆祝创刊50周年的时候,他欣然命笔题词“高枝独秀”,高度评价《文史哲》在学术界的地位、鼓励《文史哲》同人再接再厉……。为了缅怀和纪念臧克家先生,我们特以“传统、时代与诗歌创作”为题组织了这次学者笔谈。诗人臧克家从传统中走来,又沐浴了五四新文化的风雨,他的艺术创作生涯历经几个不同时期,始终保持着与时代的紧密联系。丁尔纲先生的文章纵论古今,肯定了臧克家的创造,确立了臧克家在中国文学史上的地位,认为臧克家承前启后,是中国特色新诗的新起点的奠基者和开路人;孙基林教授的文章,则从诗人经验与记忆的创作论角度,采用比较文学研究的方法,论说了诗人臧克家的乡村情结和诗作的乡村意象;蒋登科教授的文章从创作动力的角度,指出了诗人两种鲜明的表现姿态,即批判与顺应;李掖平教授的文章,则揭示了20世纪30年代中国现实语境与臧克家诗歌的本质联系及其艺术的写实价值……视角不同,观点各异,读来给人许多思考与启示。

关 键 词:臧克家  诗歌  传统  时代

The Choice on Art in the Great Era
JIANG Deng-ke.The Choice on Art in the Great Era[J].Journal of Literature,History and Philosophy,2005(5):30-31.
Authors:JIANG Deng-ke
Abstract:October 8 th,2005 is the comm emoration day of the 100 th b irthday of Zang Ke-jia,the excellentmodern Ch inese poet and alumnus of Shandong Un iversity.And since the Journal of L iterature,H istory and Ph ilosophy started pub lication half a century ago,it had rece ived deep concern and courage from Zang.To comm emorate and cherish the m emory of h im,we hereby organ ize th is group ofwritten d iscussions w ith the them e of“Trad ition,Tim es and the Creation of Poetry.” Zang as a poet cam e from the trad ition,and was bathed in the new cu lture of the M ay Fourth Movem ent;h is artistic creative career had experienced several d ifferent periods,yetm aintained c lose relationsh ip w ith the tim es.D ING Er-gang’s paper,affirm s the creation of Zang Ke-jia,estab lishes h is position in the Ch inese literary h istory,and holds that Zang inherits the past and ushers in the future,and therefore becom es the founder and p ioneer of the new starting point of the new poetry w ith Ch inese characteristics.Prof.SUN Ji-lin’s artic le app lies the m ethod of comparative literary stud ies,and d iscusses the rural feelings of Zang as well as the rural im age-ry of h is poem s.From the angle of creative motive,Prof.JIANG Deng-ke points out two d istinctive postures of the poet,ie.to critic ize or to conform.And the paper of Prof.LI Ye-p ing ind icates the essential relation between the realistic environm ent of Ch ina in the 1930 s and Zang’s poem s,and the realistic value of h is art.
Keywords:Zang Ke-jia  Poetry  Tradition  Times
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