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引用本文:文艳蓉. 白居易感伤诗的原生态新论[J]. 中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 10(1): 114-119
摘    要:本文根据《与元九书》等原始文献,认为白居易诗歌编集时分为讽谕、闲适、感伤、杂律四类,是以言志、缘情为分类的主要依据,其分类对古代诗歌的分体、本体论和感伤诗发展都具有重要意义;并认为白居易感伤诗的心理成因是两次人生巨痛和对诗人多薄命的反思;最后从《白氏长庆集》中提取出白居易原始分类时的一百余首感伤诗,提出原感伤性、再感伤性的概念来解读这些感伤诗。

关 键 词:感伤诗  原生态  原感伤性  再感伤性

A New Analysis of Original Ecology in Bai Ju-yi's Sentimental Poems
WEN Yan-rong. A New Analysis of Original Ecology in Bai Ju-yi's Sentimental Poems[J]. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences), 2008, 10(1): 114-119
Authors:WEN Yan-rong
Abstract:Bai Ju-yi compiled his poems and divided them into four categories: the poems of allegory,the poems of leisure,the poems of sentiment and the poems of mixed rhythm.Based on the original literature of A Letter to Yuan Jiu and other sources,this paper holds that the foundation of the division of his poems is the development of wills or the expression of emotions,which is of the utmost significance in the history of poetry.The psychological reason of his writing sentimental poems is that he came through two great pains and he reflected why the poets were always born unlucky.More than 100 sentimental poems have been collected from The Collection of Bai Ju-yi's Poems.In this paper,some new concepts,such as the nature of original sentiment,the nature of re-sentiment,have been put forward to analyze these poems.
Keywords:sentimental poems  original ecology  nature of original sentiment  nature of re-sentiment
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