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引用本文:余世明. “不言《新学伪经考》”与“民族是历史之主脑”——梁启超民族史观论略[J]. 贵州大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 26(2): 76-81
摘    要:梁启超戊戌变法失败后流亡日本,大胆地吸收西学改造思想。就历史现而言,一方面,以“不言《新学伪经考》”的新学术突破了早期所深受康有为影响的“三世说”史现,另一方面,他侧重用近代民族国家学说解释历史,建构了以民族史现为核心的史学思想;完成这一转变的学理则是以“人群”的进化观念,改造康有为“政制”、“文教”进化“三世说”变革中国的历史现,并在建构中赋予了民族国家为突出特征的史现,以此为出发点呼吁“史界之革命”。

关 键 词:梁启超  历史现  民族国家

"Not Mentioning On the False Classics of the Hsin Learning" and "Nation Is the Nerve Center of History": A brief discussion on the national historical viewpoint of Liang Qichao
YU Shi-ming. "Not Mentioning On the False Classics of the Hsin Learning" and "Nation Is the Nerve Center of History": A brief discussion on the national historical viewpoint of Liang Qichao[J]. Journal of Guizhou University(Social Science), 2008, 26(2): 76-81
Authors:YU Shi-ming
Affiliation:YU Shi-ming (College of Httmanlties , Gulzhou University, Guiyang , Guizhou , 550025, China)
Abstract:Mter the failure of the Reform Movement of 1998, Hang Qichao fled to Japan. In Japan, he reconstructed his thought by audaciously assimilating Western academy. Based on the historical viewpoint, he put forward "not mentioning On the False Classics of the Hsin Learning". Thus he broke through his forepart historical point of "Three Dynasties Doctrine" which was advocated by Kang Youwei and had once influenced him deeply. On the other hand, he emphasized particularly on explaining history with a modern nation-state theory and formed a historical viewpoint centered by national historical perspective. He used the evolutionary conception of human confluence to transform Kang Youwei's "Three Dynasties Doctrine" of political system and cultural education. During the transformation process, Chinese historical viewpoint was endowed with a nation-state character. From this starting point, he called for "a historical revolution".
Keywords:Abstract : Liang Qichao  historical viewpoint  nation-state
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