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引用本文:王泽应. 论道德目的论与道德工具论[J]. 苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版), 2001, 0(1)
摘    要:道德目的论与道德工具论是两种关于道德性质、功能、作用等的伦理学说和道德价值理论。道德目的论以道德为目的 ,认为道德本身即具有内在价值和目的善 ,道德工具论以道德为某种更高目的的手段 ,认为道德只具有外在价值和手段善。二者各有所长亦各有所短 ,但都未能科学地解决人与道德的关系问题 ,犯了割裂目的与手段的错误。新道德应当超越道德目的论与道德工具论的对立 ,实现道德目的与道德手段的辩证统一。

关 键 词:道德目的论  道德工具论  道德目的工具合一论

Ethical Teleology and Ethical Instrumentalism
WANG Zhi-ying. Ethical Teleology and Ethical Instrumentalism[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science, 2001, 0(1)
Authors:WANG Zhi-ying
Abstract:Ethical teleology and ethical instrumentalism are two doctrines which study the nature, functions and roles of morality and moral values. Ethical teleology holds that morality itself is the final objective with its inner values and the goodness of the aim and purpose whereas ethical instrumentalism considers morality as having the outer values and the goodness of the means. The two doctrines have their strong and weak points. Neither of them succeeds in solving the problem of the relations between man and morality , having committed the error of separating the purpose from the means. New ethics should go beyond the opposition between the two doctrines, and achieve the dialectical unity of moral objective and moral means.
Keywords:ethical teleology  ethical instrumentalism  the theory of combining moral objective with means  
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