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引用本文:张次第. 略论隋唐五代版本学的发展及其观念[J]. 郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2003, 36(5): 98-103
摘    要:版本学及其观念在隋唐五代有较大发展:隋朝开始重视图书的收集与整理,在古籍整理与版本复制方面卓有成效,尽管其时未出现相关的理论表述,但其时版本复制及有关处理方法,对唐代及后世均有一定的影响,尤其是在官修本上,影响更为明显。唐代图书版本形态虽仍以写本为主,却又出现了雕版印书。这一时期的书本用纸与装帧也表现出新的发展迹象:隋代在版本装帧上产生了分品装帧收藏方法;唐代出现了旋风装、经折装、连脊装等比较先进的装帧式样;用纸方面唐代则出现了少量的皮纸写本。晚唐五代作为中国古代版本学又一重要发展时期,在版本学史上的影响主要表现为:监本《九经》的刻印和家本《九经》的刻印,以及诸如毋昭裔家刻诸史、贯休自刻文集等其他刻本,表明其时不但刻本范围有所扩大,且刻书机构也日臻完善。这些都为中国古代版本学的确立准备了物质条件,亦对后来中国印刷史及版本学史均有较大影响。

关 键 词:隋唐五代  版本学  版本观念  刻本  装帧收藏

The Idea of Editions and the Development of Bibliology in the Sui, the Tang and the Five Dynasties
ZHANG Ci-di. The Idea of Editions and the Development of Bibliology in the Sui, the Tang and the Five Dynasties[J]. Journal of Zhengzhou University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2003, 36(5): 98-103
Authors:ZHANG Ci-di
Abstract:Bibliology and the idea of editions greatly developed during the Sui, the Tang and the Five Dynasties. In the Sui Dynasty (581 - 618), people began to give attention to the collection and cataloging of books and achieved a lot in the reproduction of books. In the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), the method of block printing was adopted in the production of books; new kinds of paper and novel styles of book binding also emerged. In the Five Dynasties (907 - 960), more books were block-printed, including the most importam Confucian classics. The development during the period prepared the way for the establishment of bibliology in ancient China, and influenced the development of printing thereafter.
Keywords:the Sui   the Tang and the Five Dynasties  bibliology  the idea of editions  block-printed edition  book binding and collection.
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