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引用本文:陈梅龙,沈月红. 宁波商帮与晋商、徽商、粤商比较析论[J]. 宁波大学学报(人文科学版), 2007, 20(5): 35-42
作者姓名:陈梅龙  沈月红
摘    要:晋商、徽商、粤商是明清时期的重要商帮。晋商以"票号"著称,一度执全国金融界之牛耳。徽商厚朴敦实,其在盐、粮、木、布帛、典质等传统商业领域的成就称雄一时。粤商果敢练达,在内外贸易中均独树一帜。但他们或生性刻板,或好儒而轻贾,或囿于内耗,在中国社会从传统向近代的演进时期,没有适时变革,充分正确地发挥商业资本的作用,渐次落到时代后面。崛兴于鸦片战争后的宁波商人,乘新陈代谢的时代潮流,以其稳健慎密勤勉的风格,顽强拼搏,求新求精求美,创造了中国近代经济史上的许多奇迹。他们爱国爱乡,开放通达,善于经营的特质至今仍享誉世界。与时俱进,锐意变革,这是宁波帮后来居上,成为近代中国最具影响商帮的主要原因。

关 键 词:宁波帮  晋商  徽商  粤商  商业资本  经济近代化潮流

A Comparative Analysis of Ningbo Traders, Shanxi Traders, Anhui Traders and Guangdong Traders
CHEN Mei-long,SHEN Yue-hong. A Comparative Analysis of Ningbo Traders, Shanxi Traders, Anhui Traders and Guangdong Traders[J]. Journal of Ningbo University(Liberal Arts Edition), 2007, 20(5): 35-42
Authors:CHEN Mei-long  SHEN Yue-hong
Abstract:Shanxi traders,Anhui traders,and Guangdong traders were important traders in the period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Shanxi traders,known as "Bankers",once dominated in the national financial circle.Anhui traders,honest and diligent,made outstanding achievements in the traditional business fields of salt,grain,wood,cloth and mortgage.Guangdong traders,courageous and resolute,were unique in the internal and external trade.However,they gradually lagged behind times because of such factors as their conservatism,more emphasis on Confucianism than commerce or their internal strife as well as their refusal to reform to make better use of their capital in the transition of Chinese society from the traditional mode to that of modern times.Ningbo traders,making their presence more strongly felt after the Opium War(1840-1842) by being arduous,vigorous,prudent,resolute and flexible,and not easily satisfied,have made miraculous economic achievements in Chinese history.Moreover,their patriotism,openness and broadmindedness as well as their skillfulness in doing business and their striving for reform,contribute a great deal to their becoming the most influential business clique in China.
Keywords:the Ningbo trader  the Shanxi trader  the Anhui trader  the Guangdong trader  the commerce capital  the modern tide of economy.  
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