Abstract: | Many physicians today feel ravaged by the brutal speed with which change has been occurring. They see the beliefs and practices of a lifetime being abandoned and replaced by the flavor of the month, management du jour. But if you are willing and able to take the brave step of approaching your physicians without an agenda, meeting with them to listen to their concerns, and can also avoid hanging a lightning-rod label on every bright new idea that comes out of the sessions, you'll be on the way to effective new management. This new style is a "Zen" approach (but don't give it that label) that lets real collaboration come into the place that is supposed to be all about healing--the health care organization. From "never call it anything" to "stay with them until they get it," ideas on how to be a Zen manager are presented, with the ultimate goal of truly partnering with physicians and infusing them with a desire to move beyond the frustration and disenchantment they are feeling. |