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Die Entwicklung der Fehler- und Feedbackkultur durch Team-Coaching
Authors:Ingo Steinke
Abstract:The development of an error culture and feedback culture by team coachingTeams and departments can be relieved of a tremendous burden and collaborate far more efficiently by mutually reflecting on making mistakes, giving and receiving feedback, calling meetings, trying things out in real life situations and, by doing so, establishing new forms of a culture that embraces failure and feedback. This approach works in areas such as team coaching. The purpose of this paper is to present a practical method for developing a team-based culture of learning from failure and feedback. The paper is designed to encourage professional trainers not to leave company employees and management on their own with the issue of establishing such a culture but to make the introduced tools a part of staff training, management and other company development programs as well as team workshops or to develop one’s own formats for introducing a culture of learning from failure and feedback.
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