从宗教服饰到政治符号:伊朗女性头巾摘戴之争 |
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引用本文: | 潘萌,哈全安. 从宗教服饰到政治符号:伊朗女性头巾摘戴之争[J]. 阿拉伯世界研究, 2021, 0(1): 117-134. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5161.2021.01.007 |
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作者姓名: | 潘萌 哈全安 |
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作者单位: | 南开大学历史学院 天津300350;天津师范大学欧洲文明研究院 天津300387 |
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摘 要: | ![]() 教俗博弈是伊朗政治现代化进程的一个突出特点,女性头巾是其重要的社会表征,并演化成为鲜明的政治符号。伊朗女性头巾的摘戴之争发端于19世纪末政治现代化进程之始,经历了从民间探讨到官方强制的历史过程。无论是巴列维王国还是伊斯兰共和国,官方都通过强制头巾“摘”或“戴”的方式来强化政治权威,以实现政权合法性和国家意识形态在社会领域的延伸,而社会群体对官方的认同与反抗也体现在女性头巾的摘戴之中。女性头巾摘戴之争所折射出的伊朗现代化进程中的矛盾,不仅包括传统势力和新兴群体间的张力,也体现了传统性与现代性的博弈。伴随经济现代化的深入影响,头巾自抉将逐渐作为女性公民权利的体现,预示着伊朗政治现代化进程的发展方向。
关 键 词: | 伊朗 女性头巾 宗教服饰 政治符号 教俗博弈 |
From Religious Clothing to Political Symbols The Controversy over Iranian Women's Veils |
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Affiliation: | (Faculty of History,Nankai University;Institute of European Civilization,Tianjin Normal University) |
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Abstract: | ![]() The struggle between religion and secular is a prominent feature of Iran's political modernization process.The female veil is an important social characterization and has evolved into a distinctive political symbol.The dispute over Iranian women's veils began at the beginning of the political modernization process at the end of the 19th century,and experienced a historical process from folk discussions to official coercion.Regardless of whether it is the Pahlavi Kingdom or the Islamic Republic,the authorities have strengthened political authority by forcing veiling or unveiling to achieve the legitimacy of the regime and the extension of the national ideology in the social field.The recognition and resistance of social groups to the government is also reflected in female veils.The contradictions in Iran's modernization process reflected in the dispute of women's veils not only include the tension between traditional forces and emerging groups,but also reflect the dispute between tradition and modernity.With the in-depth influence of economic modernization,the self-determination of women's veils will gradually become a manifestation of women's civil rights and herald the development direction of Iran's political modernization process. |
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Keywords: | Iran Women's Veils Religious Clothing Political Symbols Religious-Secular Competition |
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