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Human Rights and Gypsies and Travellers: An Exploration of the Application of a Human Rights Perspective to Social Work with a Minority Community in Britain
Authors:Cemlyn   Sarah
This paper explores the relationship between human rights socialwork and issues facing Gypsies and Travellers, and argues thatwork with these groups cannot be properly understood outsidea human rights framework. It outlines different generationsof rights, key current debates, and their significance for socialwork, building on other emancipatory frameworks for practiceincluding anti-oppressive practice, structural social work andcritical postmodernism. These perspectives find some expressionin social work ethical codes. For Gypsies and Travellers, humanrights violations occur in many socio-political contexts, causingcycles of exclusion and disadvantage. However, Gypsies and Travellersare increasingly mobilizing nationally and locally to promotetheir rights. The somewhat limited research on social work inthis area concurs in finding distance between the parties, lackof cultural understanding and engagement, and problematic practiceas well as some clear pointers for improvement. Policy developmentscontradictorily related to promoting rights and increasing disciplinarysurveillance are examined for their relevance to work with thisgroup. The paper explores the importance of an inclusive, participatoryand discursive approach to human rights practice, and examinesits significance for a paradigmatic shift linking social workwith the broader struggle for human rights of Gypsy Travellersand other groups.
Keywords:Gypsies and Travellers   human rights   social work
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