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引用本文:胡海迪. 图谱类文献在南宋目录学中的定位及其影响[J]. 辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2011, 39(3): 47-51
摘    要:中国古代目录学的研究对象,大多是以文字写成,用于明理、叙事、抒情之"书",而很少涉及以直观、简明为形式特点的"图"和"谱"。在目录学史中,图谱类文献时隐时显,合而复分,总体上可分为三个发展阶段:南宋前,《七志》确立"图谱志",而《七录》分散图谱、各归部类,是第一阶段;南宋时,从郑樵《通志》对图谱功能、地位的理论建设,到尤袤《遂初堂书目》去"图"留"谱",设立"谱录类",是第二阶段;南宋后,特别是清代以降,图学和谱录分道扬镳,各立门户,是第三阶段。这三个阶段中,南宋时期图谱类文献得到的理论关注和转型发展,最为关键。研究这一问题,可以深入认识此类文献的特点和功能,以一个特殊的角度了解不同时代、不同学者在目录学分类原则上的差异。同时,古人对图谱的理论阐释,会为当今处于"读图时代"的读者和学人,提供有益的启示和借鉴。

关 键 词:目录学  图谱  谱录  图学

The Position and Influence of Charts and Pictures in Bibliography of Southern Song Dynasty
HU Hai-di. The Position and Influence of Charts and Pictures in Bibliography of Southern Song Dynasty[J]. Jounal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2011, 39(3): 47-51
Authors:HU Hai-di
Affiliation:HU Hai-di(Department of Aesthetics Research,Liaoning Association of Literature and Arts,Shenyang 110003,China)
Abstract:Classical Chinese bibliography largely concentrates on books,and rarely on charts or pictures.The development of charts and pictures in classical bibliography can be divided into three stages.In the first stage,Qi Zhi set up the catalog of charts before Southern Song dynasty.The second stage is from the establishment of the theory concerned in Tong Zhi by Zheng Qiao to the appearance of You Mao's Catalog of Sui Chu Tang in Southern Song dynasty.Stage Three is symbolized by the separation of the catalogs of ...
Keywords:bibliography  charts and pictures  the catalog of charts  chart studies  
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