Contextual Factors in the Rise of Academic Sociology in the United States* |
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Authors: | J. Graham Morgan |
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Abstract: | Cet article effectue l'analyse de certains elements culturels et educatifs qui favoriserent la croissance de la sociologie en tant que discipline universitaire aux Etats-Unis a la fin du dix-neuvieme siecle. II est a remarquer que cette evolution est unique au contexte americain. Les facteurs qui retiennent l'at-tention de l'auteur son les suivants: les attitudes vis-a-vis l'education superieure; rinfluence des ideaux et methodes allemands concernant l'education; la con-fiance que Ton avait dans la valeur de la science, y compris les sciences sociales; le climat ideologique liberal de la societe americaine et, par voie de consequence, des universites; et l'etat d'avancement de la theorie sociologique aux Etats-Unis durant cette periode. This paper is concerned with some of the cultural and educational elements in late nineteenth-century America which allowed for and fostered the ready growth of sociology as a university discipline at that time, a growth not to be found in other countries. Specific factors investigated are the attitude towards higher education, the influence of German ideals and methods on that education, the belief in the value of science, including social science, the liberal ideological climate of the society and hence of the universities, and the general state of sociological theory in the United States in this period. |
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