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引用本文:王松涛. 论戊戌政变后维新派的民权思想[J]. 东方论坛, 2003, 0(3): 68-74
摘    要:维新派的民权思想作为一种政治理论和社会思潮 ,适应了近代中国政治现实和民族救亡的迫切需要。戊戌政变后维新派的民权思想并没有消亡 ,他们依然高举自己的民权旗帜 ,在总结戊戌变法失败的经验教训的基础上 ,进一步丰富和发展了民权思想的内涵。他们不再沉湎于就政体变化的角度来奢谈民主 ,而是将自由平等和独立的国民看作立宪政治的基础 ;不再借助于圣人的权威来宣扬参与政治改革的自觉性 ,而是直截了当地倡导自由平等 ,要求树立“新民”榜样 ,阐明了国民参政意识对于建立民族国家的重要意义 ,并深刻影响了后来的清末立宪运动和辛亥革命运动中民权主义的勃兴。

关 键 词:维新派  民权  人权  民权思想

The Thoughts of the Reformist School on Civil Rights after the Reform Movement
WANG Song-tao. The Thoughts of the Reformist School on Civil Rights after the Reform Movement[J]. Orient Forum, 2003, 0(3): 68-74
Authors:WANG Song-tao
Abstract:After the 1898 Reform Movement, the reformists, after summarizing their lessons and experience after the failure of the Reform Movement, enriched and developed the content of civil rights. They considered free, equal and independent citizens as the basis of constitutional politics, directly advocating freedom and equality and a model of new citizens. The significance of citizens' participation in politics for the establishment of a democratic nation, which they expounded, had great influence on the emergence of nationalism in the late Qin Constitutional Movement and the 1911 Revolution.
Keywords:Reformist School  civil rights  human rights  thoughts on civil rights  
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