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引用本文:张立荣. 宋庠、宋祁的七律创作及其诗史意义[J]. 齐鲁学刊, 2009, 0(6)
摘    要:宋庠、宋祁是后昆体诗人群的中坚力量,他们的七律创作在西昆体向江西诗派的转变过程中表现出明显的过渡性特征。就内容而言,二宋七律皆表达了自己的仕途沉浮、叹老念衰之感,具有鲜明的个性化倾向,这一点迥别于西昆体。在风格上,二宋七律由效西昆体的典丽柔靡向瑰迈健举或沉郁奥博发展。这与二人七律学杜分不开,而学杜是江西诗派七律最鲜明的特征之一。在创作手法上,宋庠七律以比兴寄托、借用典故写景抒情及多用倒装句三大特征为主;宋祁七律除此之外,还在造语、炼字、对仗、用典等方面表现出求新求奇、精益求精的努力,特别是僻典、俗字的使用,已率先实践了江西诗派"化俗为雅"的理论。在唐风向宋调的演变过程中,宋庠七律更倾向于唐风,而宋祁七律则在很多方面开了宋诗法门。二宋七律,一以承唐,一以启宋,具有重要的诗史意义。

关 键 词:宋庠  宋祁  七言律诗  诗史意义

Song Xiang's and Song Qi's Septasyllabic Regulated Verse and Their Significance of Poetry History
Zhang Li-rong. Song Xiang's and Song Qi's Septasyllabic Regulated Verse and Their Significance of Poetry History[J]. Qilu Journal, 2009, 0(6)
Authors:Zhang Li-rong
Abstract:Song Xiang and Song Qi were the main representative persons of "the Latter Xikun poetry style".The septasyllabic regulated verse of the two brothers displayed the distinct transition characteristic.The content of their poems had distinct personality tendency and directly affected Mei yaocheng,Huang tingjian,Chen shidao etc.As far as the style was concerned,the two brothers started to learning from Du Fu.Learning from Du Fu was one of the most distinct characteristic of JiangXi poetry style.For the artistic technique,Song Qi had more new changes on choosing words,using antithesis and literary reference than his brother.In the style development from Tang's style to Song's,Song Xiang's poems was more like the Tang's,but Song Qi's poems was more like Song's.The two brothers,one was morely inherits the Tang Dynasty,another was morely affects Song Dynasty,both had important transition significance.
Keywords:Song Qi  Song Xiang  septasyllabic regulated verse  the significance of poetry history
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