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引用本文:张联朋,王超联. 培养"双师型"教师面临的问题、原因及对策[J]. 河北理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2003, 3(2): 87-90
作者姓名:张联朋  王超联
摘    要:近年来,我国高职教育迅猛发展,与此同时具有职教特点的"双师型"教师队伍培养工作却步履维艰.究其原因,主要是客观上教师参与实践的渠道不畅、条件不足,主观上教师既无压力又无动力,因而积极性不高.问题的原因在于领导认识不到位并且缺乏一套"双师型"教师队伍的管理体制.针对这一问题,提出了相应的对策措施.

关 键 词:"  双师型"  教师  高职  问题与对策

The problems,reasons and countermeasures in training double-qualified teachers
ZHANG Lian peng,WANG Chao lian. The problems,reasons and countermeasures in training double-qualified teachers[J]. Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University(Social Science Edition), 2003, 3(2): 87-90
Authors:ZHANG Lian peng  WANG Chao lian
Abstract:Nowadays the polytechnic education in our country has been rapidly developed.Meanwhile,it is very difficult to train double-qualified teachers. The writer views the problems in training double-qualified teachers from two aspects.On the objective hand,teachers has few chances to participate in the practice and lack conditions.On the subjective hand,teachers are not enthusiastic about it because they have no pressure and motive power in their work.The main reason is that leaders lack deep understanding of it and they also lack a set of systems to administer double-qualified teachers,In view of this situation,the writer raises some countermeasures.
Keywords:double-qualified teacher  high-polytechnic  problems and countermeasures  
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