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引用本文:赵旭,刘新梅. 战略聚焦视角下的文化特性与新产品创造力研究[J]. 管理科学, 2016, 29(6): 52-63
作者姓名:赵旭  刘新梅
作者单位:西安交通大学 管理学院,西安 710049,西安交通大学 管理学院,西安 710049;西安交通大学 过程控制与效率工程教育部重点实验室,西安 710049
摘    要: 基于竞争价值框架和战略理论,在新产品开发过程中,企业文化特性与战略聚焦因素的有效适应或协同对新产品创造力有积极的影响作用。企业文化特性是指一组企业成员所共享的价值观、规范、信仰和群体性认知,能够影响并塑造组织成员的认知、动机和能力,因而在新产品研发阶段对企业产生新想法和解决创造性问题的能力均有重要影响。目前相关研究已开始探讨员工所处的企业文化环境对其新颖而有用想法的产生能力(即创造力)的影响。但鲜有研究在企业层面分析企业文化特性与企业战略的交互对新产品创造力的作用机理。       从竞争价值框架和战略聚焦视角出发,深入分析企业不同文化特性与新产品创造力之间的作用关系,建立基于战略聚焦视角的文化特性-创造力匹配模型,并实证检验新产品开发过程中两类企业文化特性对新产品创造力的影响以及战略聚焦变量在这一过程中的调节机理。为了揭示企业文化特性影响新产品创造力的作用机理,在直接检验柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力关系的基础上,深入分析并检验组织内外部战略聚焦变量(长期导向和企业家导向)对上述关系的调节作用。       以209家中国企业为研究对象进行实证研究,结果表明柔性导向文化和控制导向文化均正向促进新产品创造力;企业家导向正向调节柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力之间的关系;而长期导向对柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力之间关系的调节作用是非线性、倒U形的,即在新产品开发过程中,中等强度的长期导向对企业两种类型文化与新产品创造力的促进作用最强。       研究结论为探讨企业文化特性的激励效能提供了新的理论视角,并对企业在新产品开发过程中的战略聚焦规划和创造力管理有重要的实践指导意义。

关 键 词:文化特性;战略聚焦;企业家导向;长期导向;新产品创造力

The Study of Culture Attributes and New Product Creativity from the Perspective of Strategic Focus
ZHAO Xu and LIU Xinmei. The Study of Culture Attributes and New Product Creativity from the Perspective of Strategic Focus[J]. Journal of Management Science, 2016, 29(6): 52-63
Authors:ZHAO Xu and LIU Xinmei
Abstract: Drawing upon competing values framework and strategic theory and in the new product development process, the synergy effects of organizational cultural attributes and strategic focus factors have a positive impact on new product creativity. Organizational cultural attributes, conceptualized as a set of shared values, norms, beliefs, and knowledge that unite a collective group, shape cognition, capability and motivation, and consequently how one accomplishes new ideas and creative problem solving in the NPD process. Existing researches have begun to examine that creativity -the generation of new ideas that are simultaneously novel and useful -is intimately linked to the cultural environment of organization in which the employees are embedded. However, there lacks the studies examining the effects of interactions of cultural attributes and corporate strategy on new product creativity at the firm level. This paper advances a new perspective to understand how organizational culture impacts creativity, and introduces a new theoretical framework-the cultural alignment model of new product creativity-to explicate how the attributes of organizational culture and strategic focus impacts creative output in new product development process. Then we theorize that new product creativity depends on the cultural attributes as well as strategic focus of a firm.       To demonstrate the relationship between organizational culture and creativity, this study investigates how organizational culture motivates and reinforces new product creativity and how such effects are moderated by strategic focus factors. Using 209 Chinese firms as the research objects, we first test the direct effects of cultural attributes(flexibility-oriented culture and control-oriented culture) on new product creativity, and then further analyze the moderating role of strategic focus factors, entrepreneurial orientation and long-term orientation in the relationship between organizational cultural attributes and new product creativity. Results show that flexibility-oriented and control-oriented culture is all positively related to new product creativity. Entrepreneurial orientation positive moderates the relationship between flexibility-oriented and control-oriented culture and new product creativity, while long-term orientation has a nonlinear, inverse U-shaped moderation on the relationship between two types of culture (flexibility-oriented culture and control-oriented culture) and new product creativity, which indicates that two types of cultural attribute play important roles in promoting creative output when internal strategic focus factor-long-term orientation is moderate. Research findings provide a new perspective for studying cultural attributes of a firm, and have useful practice implications for strategic management and creativity management in a firm.
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