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“大众化” 是马克思哲学的本质规定
引用本文:李兵. “大众化” 是马克思哲学的本质规定[J]. 云南大学学报(社会科学版), 2016, 15(4): 19-24
作者单位:云南大学,昆明 650091
摘    要:推进马克思主义哲学大众化不能只是在表现形式上做文章, 而应该深入到马克思主义理论内部去探究它何以能够大众化的根据和道理。 大众化是马克思哲学的本质规定, 这可以从马克思思想的起点、 内容和功能上得到印证。 揭示马克思哲学的大众化本质, 对于当前推进马克思主义中国化、 时代化、 大众化具有重要的思想启迪意义

关 键 词:马克思哲学; 大众化; 马克思哲学的思想起点; 马克思哲学的思想内容; 马克思哲学的思想功能

Popularization as the essential requirement of Marxist philosophy
LI Bing. Popularization as the essential requirement of Marxist philosophy[J]. Journal of Yunnan Yniversity, 2016, 15(4): 19-24
Authors:LI Bing
Affiliation:Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
Abstract:Instead of promoting the popularization of Marxism superficially, it is necessary to explore the theoretical basis and cause for its popularization. Popularization is the essential requirement of Marxist philosophy, which finds expression in the origin, contents and functions of Marxism. Popularization as the very source and essence of Marxism has much enlightening significance to the current popularization of Marxism with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords:popularization of Marxism   source of Marxism   Marxist philosophy
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