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摘    要:科索沃是巴尔干半岛自我分裂的缩影。该地区缺乏必要的共同利益,而其历史发展进程中又缺乏各民族融和不可或缺的强制力量,缺乏长期而稳定的融合过程。直到13世纪初,拜占廷帝国通过传播东正教信仰和拜占廷文化力图统一巴尔干半岛的努力是成功的,一种被整个东欧世界承认的拜占廷斯拉夫传统基本形成。但是1204年西欧十字军骑士对君士坦丁堡的占领中止了这个刚刚完成但还有待发展巩固的过程,以拜占廷政治文化体系为核心的巴尔干半岛整合计划被打乱,拜占廷帝国失去了整合巴尔干半岛的主导权,巴尔干半岛各民族整合并形成更加稳定的现代民族国家生存基础的进程被中断。此后出现的奥斯曼土耳其帝国的统治只是强化了地区内的对立因素,特别是在巴尔干半岛民族解放斗争中激发起来的民族意识使该地区内部冲突更加激烈,彻底丧失了自我整合的能力。科索沃问题有其深刻的历史根源。

关 键 词:科索沃  巴尔干  民族问题  

A Historical Study on the Kosovo's Ethnic Problem
Chen Zhiqiang.A Historical Study on the Kosovo's Ethnic Problem[J].Nankai Journal,2010(2).
Authors:Chen Zhiqiang
Institution:Chen Zhiqiang
Abstract:Kosovo's problem is the typical one of the Balkan's,which has a long history without common interests and district coherence. It is necessary for this district to have a historical conformity process under one kind of strong power,making many different ethical elements together into a modern nation-state.The Byzantine Empire tried its best to be the strongest power and forced successfully to put many ethnic groups together by Eastern Orthodox Church and the Byzantine culture until the 13th Century. But the ...
Keywords:Kosovo  Balkan  Ethnic Problem  
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