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作者单位:吉林大学文学院 吉林长春130012
摘    要:创建于19世纪20年代的埃及学,是一门研究古代埃及历史与文化的综合性学科。从19世纪20年代到80年代,埃及学走过了从早期的野蛮发掘到有计划的科学勘察、抢救与保护文物的历程。经过几代埃及学家的不懈努力,埃及学作为一门世界性的学科已经完全确立起来,埃及学的研究成果已成为全人类共同的文化财富。

关 键 词:埃及学  列普修斯  马里埃特  马斯伯乐  皮特里  埃尔曼

The Growth and Development of Egyptology
Abstract:Egyptology founded in the 1820s is a comprehensive discipline of studying the history and culture in ancient Egypt.From the twenties to eighties in 19th century, Egyptology passed from the early barbarous excavation to the planned survey scientifically, rescue and the protection of cultural relics. Egyptology has been established as a worldwide discipline through the untiring working of Egyptologists for generations. The achievements in study of Egyptology have already become the common cultural wealth of the whole mankind.
Keywords:Egyptology  Lepsius  Mariette  Maspero  Petrie  Erman  
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