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Bedtime without Battles: Using a Behavioural Approach to Establish Bedtime Routines: Giving Parents of Nursery and Primary Age Children a Focus for their Difficulties
Summary Twelve children (age range 3–10 years) who had been referredto the Reading Child and Family Guidance Clinic with a varietyof presenting problems, but who were also reluctant to go tobed, were offered the opportunity to try to establish a bedtimeroutine. It was felt that a behavioural approach, focussingon one major problem area, would have a generalized therapeuticsignificance within the family. Using a contract and rewardssystem, in nine cases a non-argumentative bedtime was establishedwithin 4 weeks and this remained at follow up 6–8 weekslater. In one of these cases the routine broke down but waslater re-established. In three cases the initial response wasencouraging but the parents were unable to persist with theplan. In most cases the benefits of having a less tired childand a less tired parent reduced the severity of other problemareas of behaviour.
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