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引用本文:胡亮才. 提高媒介素养:现代媒介背景下中外合作办学新视域[J]. 重庆邮电学院学报(社会科学版), 2008, 0(6): 127-130
摘    要:现代媒介为中外合作办学的发展也即主体的拓展等方面带来了新的契机的同时,也使中外合作办字的发展面临多方面的挑战,它对于高等教育体系、教育理念和手段以及中外合作办学多极主体都有明显冲击。处理好这一矛盾,关键在于从加强合作办学主体自身的媒介素养教育、加强现代传媒对中外合作办学的介入及其对于国际化教育的责任感、加强与受众的互动、加强大众对于中外合作办学的关心和支持等方面入手提高媒介素养,从而为中外合作办学提供新的方法和途径。

关 键 词:中外合作办学  现代媒介  媒介素养  办学主体

Promoting Media Literacy: New Perspective of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running School under the Background of Modern Media
HU Liang-cai. Promoting Media Literacy: New Perspective of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running School under the Background of Modern Media[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition), 2008, 0(6): 127-130
Authors:HU Liang-cai
Affiliation:HU Liang-cai (Office of International E:cchartge, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, China)
Abstract:Modern media brings the new chances as well as the challenges to Chinese-Foreign cooperation in running school,namely to extension of entity.It has considerably attacked the higher education system,educational idea and method,and multi-polar entity in international cooperative education.The key to handle this contradiction is to promote the media literacy by improving the media literacy education of the entity of running school,enhancing modern media's intervention in Chinese-foreign cooperation in running school and responsibility to international education,increasing the interaction with audience,and promoting the mass's care and support to Chinese-foreign cooperation in running school,and then to provide the Chinese-foreign cooperation in running school with new method and approach.
Keywords:Chinese-foreign cooperation in running school  modern media  media literacy  entity of running school
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