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Coaching als Instrument zur Aufrechterhaltung der Machtstellung von Männern in Organisationen
Authors:Gerhard Liska
Affiliation:1. Am Kaisermühlendamm 47/16, 1220, Wien, Germany
The author discusses the question why the counseling format coaching was able to achieve such a dominant position in the market compared with other formats like supervision or organizational counseling. A point of view specific to power-and gender-related issues and the sociological concept of hegemonial masculinity (Connell) form the starting point to explore this question. Due to its origin from the field of competitive sport and based on its objective target as an instrument for human resources development (Schreyögg) the counseling format coaching serves values and role models typically attributed to men (successful, winner, potent) in an ideal way. Therefore it nourishes established models of hegemonial masculinity in organizations thus contributing to consolidate and safeguard the position of power of men, when it is used in an unreflective modality. With this in mind coaching acts in particular through segregation and as a place to reinsure masculine role models.
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